MidiaGEO: Projects
Vale do Santiago REDD BRAZIL (MidiaGEO Project)

About the Project

The program “Vale do Santiago REDD BRAZIL” aims to generate income through the Preservation of Native Forests and the increasing of production using smaller areas. Through the articulation of individuals and institutions in the search of a sustainability standard that would align the environmental, social and economic links consistently and resulting in a sustainable model of performance in their areas of coverage, focused on environmental preservation and improvements in the life quality of the producers and regional development.

Since the neutralizing capacity has been identified, the Standard Methodology MIDIAGEO REDD BRAZIL makes the assimilation of found sources, estimating the biodiversity preservation capacity of areas, quantifying the volume of GHG neutralized, and through certification of responsible public authority(ies), is produced a document of certification of compliance of the project, with the national laws and especially with the Standard MIDIAGEO REDD BRAZIL and its premises. The resultant document will aim, among others, the characterization of the instrument – ESCVT  MIDIAGEO – Enviromental Socioeconomic Credits – that will provide obtaining financial resources to enable the steps that include the sustainability as the proposal of the Program.


  • Contry: Brazil
  • City: Santiago do Norte, Mato Grosso
  • Standard: ESC - Enviromental Socioeconomic Credits REDD Brazil
  • Developed by: MidiaGEO LTDA Group

About the ESC (Enviromental Socioeconomic Credit)

The Standard Methodology MIDIAGEO REDD BRAZIL makes the assimilation of found sources, estimating biodiversity conservation capacity of areas, quantifying the volume of GHGs neutralized, and attested by the (s) authority (s) Public (s) responsible (s), it is produced a project’s compliance certification document with national legislation and especially with the Standard MIDIAGEO REDD BRAZIL and its premises. The resulting document will aim, among others, the characterization of the instrument -The Securities ESCVT  MIDIAGEO – Enviromental Socioeconomic Credits – that will provide obtaining financial resources to enable the steps that include sustainability as the proposed program.

Objectives and Impact Areas

Having the “Vale do Santiago REDD BRAZIL” project aimed at generating income through the Preservation of Native Forests and increased production using smaller areas in the regions of its scope, there are several advantages and benefits of the project, both for the area and for their population. Check out some of the advantages for the region:

  • ZERO deforestation of areas within the project groups.
  • Preservation of the local ecosystem, thus allowing to preserve the Fauna.
  • Regularization and Environmental Sustainability for the participating properties
  • Environmental Education: Introduction to environmental eduction with the owners, as well as integration of existing programs for good environmental practices.
  • A significant evolution of the economic reality of the group of project participants that with the mechanism will get an increase in income, resulting in generation of jobs and opportunities for the whole region and the vicinity, thus changing the landscape of families.
  • Consolidation and expansion of the chains of production and collection in the region.
  • Creating a BARRIER in the uncontrolled expansion of pasture areas of the Amazon and the Cerrado.

Project “Vale do Santiago REDD BRAZIL (MidiaGEO Project)” Developed by MidiaGEO, all rights reserved.